Backer Survey

Streamline Your Surveys

By simplifying the way backers provide crucial information, we address longstanding challenges around data collection, empowering you to efficiently navigate complex manufacturing and fulfillment processes and deliver on your promises.

Why Backer Survey?


Say goodbye to setting up multiple surveys for different rewards—Easily configure your survey just once for all backers.

Comprehensive production-ready data

Production ready data that covers all items including add-ons, plus the ability to dynamically display relevant questions based on backers' pledge quantities.

Effortless SKU management

Generate and manage SKUs effortlessly based on item variants, saving you time and resources and facilitating better coordination with manufacturers.

Improved address collection

Backers can easily submit and update shipping address up until pledge redemption.

Quick and easy set up

Check out this step by step video or learn more in our help center.

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What is the Backer Survey?

The Backer Survey represents a series of upgrades to Kickstarter's existing survey functionality, prioritizing features highly requested by Creators. It improves data collection for fulfillment and production-related information from Backers, addressing their need for structured, item-level data.

How does the Backer Survey improve upon the existing survey functionality?

The Backer Survey maintains current functionalities such as collecting backer addresses and asking custom questions, while expanding capabilities to include collecting structured data and SKU quantities essential for manufacturing and fulfillment needs. It also allows Creators to set up surveys once for all Backers and collect responses about all backed items, including add-ons.

What benefits does the Backer Survey offer for Creators?

Backers can provide their addresses and any answers to questions via an upgraded experience on web and mobile. Backers can update their addresses seamlessly until a creator locks addresses within a designated post-campaign time period.

What benefits does the Backer Survey offer for Backers?

Backers can provide their addresses and any answers to questions via an upgraded experience on web and mobile. Backers can update their addresses seamlessly until a creator locks addresses within a designated post-campaign time period.

What happens to data I’ve collected using the current Reward Surveys system?

If creators have collected survey responses via Reward Surveys, they will retain access to that data in the Backer Report and backers will retain access to their responses. There will be no changes to your access of survey data you’ve collected via Reward Surveys.

I have already used reward surveys for my campaign. Will I be able to also use the new backer survey?

Unfortunately, creators cannot use the new backer survey if they have already used the reward survey for a project. If you'd like to use the new Backer Survey, we encourage you to wait to send your surveys until the new tool is live in late June.

I am planning to launch a campaign for the new Heartstrings & Hardbacks Open Call in July. Will this feature be available by then?

Yes, this upgrade will be available for all Creators in late June.

Does the new survey functionality include the ability for my backers to add items to their pledge post-campaign?

Not yet — these upgrades to the Backer Survey are focused on data collection. We are continuing to build new post-campaign functionality to address additional creator needs, stay tuned for more.

Are more updates coming to Backer Surveys?

Yes, this is just the first stage. We have more enhancements and innovations on the way to streamline the post-campaign experience. Upcoming features include the ability to raise additional funds with add-ons, charge shipping when you're ready to fulfill, and collect VAT/Tax—all within a unified crowdfunding and pledge redemption platform.

See more information about Backer Survey in Kickstarter’s Help Center.
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